My STD deployment

This commit is contained in:
Cal Wing 2025-02-14 20:11:31 +01:00
parent 9b5c924b15
commit 106c0f5b6f
7 changed files with 875 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
# ---> Python
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
# C extensions
# Distribution / packaging
# PyInstaller
# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
# Installer logs
# Unit test / coverage reports
# Translations
# Django stuff:
# Flask stuff:
# Scrapy stuff:
# Sphinx documentation
# PyBuilder
# Jupyter Notebook
# IPython
# pyenv
# For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
# intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
# .python-version
# pipenv
# According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
# However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
# having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
# install all needed dependencies.
# poetry
# Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include poetry.lock in version control.
# This is especially recommended for binary packages to ensure reproducibility, and is more
# commonly ignored for libraries.
# pdm
# Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include pdm.lock in version control.
# pdm stores project-wide configurations in .pdm.toml, but it is recommended to not include it
# in version control.
# PEP 582; used by e.g. and
# Celery stuff
# SageMath parsed files
# Environments
# Spyder project settings
# Rope project settings
# mkdocs documentation
# mypy
# Pyre type checker
# pytype static type analyzer
# Cython debug symbols
# PyCharm
# JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can
# be found at
# and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file. For a more nuclear
# option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder.

.vscode/launch.json vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Python: Current File",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${file}",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--debug", "--data-path", "./data"]

.vscode/settings.json vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"[python]": {"editor.rulers": [80, 100, 120]},
"files.exclude": {
".venv": true,
"__pycache__": true

2 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# ENGG1001_A1_S1_2025

97 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
""" debug_lib
A bunch of helpful debuging functions
Cal.W 2019
class auto_input:
"""Given a list automagicly enter a value."""
def __init__(self, input_list):
#Just setup some internal stuff
self.input_index = 0
self.input_list = input_list
def __call__(self, input_text):
#TLDR: Get the next value from the array and return that
# If there was an error then ask the user for input
out = self.input_list[self.input_index]
out = None
self.input_index += 1
if out is None:
out = __builtins__['input']('#Input#: '+input_text)
return str(out)
def stringCompairTests(test_function, tests, doPrint=True, logFile=None):
"""Run a bunch of tests on a function and check the outputs via comparing them to wanted outputs as strings.
test_function: function - This needs to be the function to test
tests: list - The list of tests to run. Each test is a list in the form: [(arg1, arg2, ...), expected_output]
Note: The number of arguments in the tuple *must* equal the number required for the function
doPrint: bool - Print the test results - Default: True
logFile: str - The path to write the output as a log if it is NoneType(None) then it won't make a logfile - Default: None
list - A list containing each test result as a tuple in the form: (returned_result, Bool(test_succeeded), test)
def doThing(arg1, arg2):
return arg1 + arg2
tests = [
[(1, 2), 3],
[("Hello", "World"), "HelloWorld"],
[(1, 3), 2]
test_results = stringCompairTests(doThing, tests)
>>>test_results => [
(3, True, [(1, 2), 3]),
("HelloWorld", True, [("Hello", "World"), "HelloWorld"]),
(4, False, [(1, 3), 2])
test_results = []
logString = ""
for i, test in enumerate(tests):
result = test_function(**test[0]) if type(test[0]) is dict else test_function(*test[0])
test_results.append((result, str(test[1]) == str(result), test))
logStringL = "-"*50
logStringL += "\n"+ "Test: " + str(i) + (" - Success" if result else " - Failure")
logStringL += "\n"+ "Given Arguments: \"" + '", "'.join(test[0]) + '"'
logStringL += "\n"+ "Expected Output: " + str(test[1])
logStringL += "\n"+ "Returned Output: " + str(result)
logStringL += "\n"+ "Returned Values " + ("don't" if not result else "") + "match."
logString += '\n' + logStringL
if doPrint: print(logStringL)
successfull_tests = sum([1 for x in test_results if x[1]])
logStringL = "\n" + str(successfull_tests) + " test" + ("s" if len(test_results)-successfull_tests == 1 else '')
logStringL += " succeeded with " + str(len(test_results)-successfull_tests) + " test"
logStringL += ("s" if len(test_results)-successfull_tests == 1 else "") + " failing."
logString += '\n' + logStringL
if doPrint: print(logStringL,"\n")
if logFile not in (None, ""):
if type(logFile) is bool and logFile: logFile = __file__.rsplit('\\', 1)[1]
if logString[0] == "\n": logString = logString[1:]
with open(str(logFile)+".log", 'w') as writeFile:
if doPrint: print("The logfile:", '\''+str(logFile)+".log'", "has been written to.", "\n")
return test_results

590 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
### MatPlotLib Graph Wrapper
#### Written by Cal.W 2020, originally for MECH2700 but continually
#### expanded upon.
#### 2023 - Added UQ Colors
#### 2023 - Added pltKeyClose function
#### 2023 - Added UQ Default Colours to MatPlotLib
#### 2023 - Added auto-magic 3D plot generation, label addition & min/max line points
__author__ = "Cal Wing"
__version__ = "0.1.12"
from import Iterator
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from cycler import cycler
#from tqdm import tqdm
from collections import UserString
# Define the UQ Colours
# Primary
"purple": "#51247A",
"white" : "#FFFFFF",
"black" : "#000000",
# Secondary
"light_purple": "#962A8B",
"red" : "#E62645",
"green" : "#2EA836",
"gold" : "#BB9D65",
"neutral" : "#D7D1CC",
"orange" : "#EB602B",
"yellow" : "#FBB800",
"blue" : "#4085C6",
"aqua" : "#00A2C7",
"dark_grey" : "#999490"
# Define a colour object that can do neat conversions & things, by default stores as hex value
class ColourValue(UserString):
def __init__(self, name, value): = name
self.value = colors.to_hex(value, True)
#def __new__(self, name, value):
# = name
# self.value = colors.to_hex(value, True)
# return super().__new__(self, self.value)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.value
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return + " " + self.value + " " + str(self.rgba())
def rgba(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]:
return colors.to_rgba(self.value)
def rgb(self) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
return colors.to_rgb()
def hex(self) -> str:
return self.value
def hsv(self) -> np.ndarray:
return colors.rgb_to_hsv(self.rgb())
def alpha_adj(self, alpha):
r, g, b, a = self.rgba()
return (r, g, b, alpha)
# Define the UQ Colours in a nicer object
class ColourList(object):
def __init__(self, colours: dict) -> None:
self.colours = {}
for key, value in colours.items():
self.colours[key] = ColourValue(key, value)
setattr(self, key, self.colours[key])
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str:
if key.replace(" ", "_") in self.colours.keys():
key = key.replace(" ", "_")
return self.colours[key]
def items(self):
return self.colours.items()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Colour List of {len(self.colours)} colour{'s' if len(self.colours) > 0 else ''}: " + str(list(self.colours.keys()))
# Load UQ Colours into MatPlotLib
# UQ colours are prefaced with 'uq:', so UQ red is 'uq:red'
# Note: Any names That have a _ also have a version with spaces so both "uq:light_purple" and "uq:light purple" work
uq_colour_mapping = {'uq:' + name: str(value) for name, value in list(UQ_COLOURS.items()) + [(x[0].replace("_", " "), x[1]) for x in UQ_COLOURS.items() if "_" in x[0]]}
colors.get_named_colors_mapping().update( uq_colour_mapping )
## UQ Colour Cycler
# +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+
# | Default (Tab) | UQ |
# +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+
# | C00 | #1f77b4 -> tab:blue | #51247A -> uq:purple |
# | C01 | #ff7f0e -> tab:orange | #4085C6 -> uq:blue |
# | C02 | #2ca02c -> tab:green | #2EA836 -> uq:green |
# | C03 | #d62728 -> tab:red | #E62645 -> uq:red |
# | C04 | #9467bd -> tab:purple | #962A8B -> uq:light_purple |
# | C05 | #8c564b -> tab:brown | #999490 -> uq:dark_grey |
# | C06 | #e377c2 -> tab:pink | #EB602B -> uq:orange |
# | C07 | #7f7f7f -> tab:grey | #FBB800 -> uq:yellow |
# | C08 | #bcbd22 -> tab:olive | #00A2C7 -> uq:aqua |
# | C09 | #17becf -> tab:cyan | #BB9D65 -> uq:gold |
# | C10 | | #D7D1CC -> uq:neutral |
# +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+
# Build a colour cycler
uq_colour_cycler = cycler(color=[
UQ_COLOURS["purple"].data, #51247A -> C00 -> uq:purple
UQ_COLOURS["blue"].data, #4085C6 -> C01 -> uq:blue
UQ_COLOURS["green"].data, #2EA836 -> C02 -> uq:green
UQ_COLOURS["red"].data, #E62645 -> C03 -> uq:red
UQ_COLOURS["light_purple"].data, #962A8B -> C04 -> uq:light_purple
UQ_COLOURS["dark_grey"].data, #999490 -> C05 -> uq:dark_grey
UQ_COLOURS["orange"].data, #EB602B -> C06 -> uq:orange
UQ_COLOURS["yellow"].data, #FBB800 -> C07 -> uq:yellow
UQ_COLOURS["aqua"].data, #00A2C7 -> C08 -> uq:aqua
UQ_COLOURS["gold"].data, #BB9D65 -> C09 -> uq:gold
UQ_COLOURS["neutral"].data #D7D1CC -> C10 -> uq:neutral
# Tell MatPlotLib to use said cycler
plt.rc('axes', prop_cycle=uq_colour_cycler)
## UQ Colour Gradient (Not very good :( )
uq_colour_map_grad = [
#Convert to RGB values
uq_colour_map_grad = [colors.to_rgb(c) for c in uq_colour_map_grad]
#Populate the working dict
uq_colour_dict = {
"red": [],
"green": [],
"blue": [],
for i, c in enumerate(uq_colour_map_grad):
offset = i / (len(uq_colour_map_grad) - 1)
uq_colour_dict["red"].append( (offset, c[0], c[0]) )
uq_colour_dict["green"].append( (offset, c[1], c[1]) )
uq_colour_dict["blue"].append( (offset, c[2], c[2]) )
#Define & register the colour map itself
uq_cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('uq',segmentdata=uq_colour_dict)
# Set the colour map - Not a very good default so not doing that
## Colorbar Function by Joseph Long & Mike Lampton
# Retrieved from on 31/10/2021
# Minor Modifications made by Cal.W 2021
def colorbar(mappable, size="5%", pad=0.05, lsize=None, lpad=None, lax=True, **kwargs):
last_axes = plt.gca()
ax = mappable.axes
fig = ax.figure
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
if lax:
lsize = lsize if lsize is not None else size
lpad = lpad if lpad is not None else pad
dax = divider.append_axes("left", size=lsize, pad=lpad)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size=size, pad=pad)
cbar = fig.colorbar(mappable, cax=cax, **kwargs)
return cbar
## Make Graph Function
def makeGraph(graphData, showPlot=True, doProgramBlock=True, figSavePath=None, hideEmptyAxis=False) -> tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, tuple[matplotlib.axes.Axes, ...]]:
""" Generate a matplotlib graph based on a simple dictionary object
dict(graphData): The dictionary containing all the graph data - see example for more info
bool(showPlot[True]): Should the function display the plot
bool(doProgramBlock[True]): Should the function block the main python thread
str(figSavePath[None]): The path to save a copy of the figure, calls fig.savefig if not None
Returns: The the figure and axes from matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()
From 'matplotlib.pyplot.subplots():
fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure`
ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` or array of Axes
*ax* can be either a single `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object or an
array of Axes objects if more than one subplot was created.
"title": "Simple Plot",
"xLabel": "x label",
"yLabel": "y label",
"plots": [
{"x":[0,1,2,3,4], "y":[0,1,2,3,4], "label":"Linear"},
{"x":[0,1,2,3,4], "y":[5,5,5,5,5]},
{"x":[4,3,2,1,0], "y":[4,3,2,1,0], "label":"Linear2"},
{"x":0, "type":"axvLine", "label":"Red Vertical Line", "color":"red"},
{"y":6, "type":"axhLine", "label":"Dashed Horizontal Line", "args":{"linestyle":"--"}},
{"type":"scatter", "x":4, "y":4, "label":"A Random Point", "colour":"purple", "args":{"zorder":2}}
doKeyCopy = True
plotDim = (1,)
if "subPlots" in graphData:
if "plotDim" in graphData: plotDim = graphData["plotDim"]
else: plotDim = (1,len(graphData["subPlots"]))
graphData["subPlots"] = [graphData]
doKeyCopy = False
figSize = graphData["figSize"] if "figSize" in graphData else None
tightLayout = graphData["tightLayout"] if "tightLayout" in graphData else True
fig, axes = plt.subplots(*plotDim, figsize=figSize) # Create a figure and an axes.
#if len(graphData["subPlots"]) <= 1:
# axes = [axes]
#Makes everything nice and linear
# IE ((1,2), (3,4)) = (1,2,3,4)
flatAxes = np.array(axes).flatten().tolist()
loopKeys = [
"xLabel", "yLabel", "title", "axis", "grid", "xPos", "yPos",
"xLabelPos", "yLabelPos", "xTickPos", "yTickPos", "xScale", "yScale",
"xTickMap", "yTickMap", "plots", "xLim", "yLim", "ledgLoc", "y2Label",
"ticklabel", "xInvert", "yInvert"
#Feel like this could be optimized
if doKeyCopy:
for key in loopKeys:
if key not in graphData: continue
if key in graphData:
for axGraphData in graphData["subPlots"]:
if key not in axGraphData:
axGraphData[key] = graphData[key]
for i, axGraphData in enumerate(graphData["subPlots"]):
ax1 = flatAxes[i]
if "skip" in axGraphData and axGraphData["skip"]:
if bool(sum([("y2" in pData) for pData in axGraphData["plots"]])):
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2 = None
additional_legends = []
if bool(sum([("z" in pData) for pData in axGraphData["plots"]])):
orig_ax = ax1
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(orig_ax.get_position(), projection='3d')
if "tightLayout" not in graphData: tightLayout = False
# Duct Tape
ax = ax1
#Draw many plots as needed
# Also provide functions for drawing other types of lines
if "plots" in axGraphData:
for pData in axGraphData["plots"]:
getSafeValue = lambda key, result=None: pData[key] if key in pData else result #Only return the key-value if present in pData
getSafeValue2 = lambda key, key2, result=None: pData[key][key2] if key in pData and key2 in pData[key] else result
getSafeColour = getSafeValue("colour") or getSafeValue("color") #Frigen American Spelling
optArgs = getSafeValue("args", {}) #Allow for other args to be passed in
currentLine = None
if "skip" in pData and pData["skip"]: continue
if "x" in pData:
xData = pData["x"]
if "y" in pData:
yData = pData["y"]
elif "y2" in pData:
yData = pData["y2"]
ax = ax2
zData = pData["z"] if "z" in pData else None
if "type" not in pData or pData["type"] == "plot":
if zData is not None:
currentLine = ax.plot(xData, yData, zData, label=getSafeValue("label"), color=getSafeColour, **optArgs)
currentLine = ax.plot(xData, yData, label=getSafeValue("label"), color=getSafeColour, **optArgs)
currentLine = currentLine[0]
currentLineColour = currentLine.get_color()
if "maxPoint" in pData:
labelText = pData["maxPoint"] if type(pData["maxPoint"]) == str else "Maximum Point ({y:.2f})"
x, y = np.array(xData), np.array(yData)
maxPoint = x[np.argmax(y)], np.max(y)
ax.scatter(maxPoint[0], maxPoint[1],
marker=getSafeValue("maxMarker", "o"), label=labelText.format(*maxPoint, x=maxPoint[0], y=maxPoint[1]),
color=currentLineColour, zorder=getSafeValue("maxZorder", 2))
if "minPoint" in pData:
labelText = pData["minPoint"] if type(pData["minPoint"]) == str else "Minimum Point ({1:.2f})"
x, y = np.array(xData), np.array(yData)
minPoint = x[np.argmin(y)], np.min(y)
ax.scatter(minPoint[0], minPoint[1],
marker=getSafeValue("minMarker", "*" if "maxPoint" in pData else "o"),
label=labelText.format(*minPoint, x=minPoint[0], y=minPoint[1]), color=currentLineColour,
zorder=getSafeValue("minxZorder", 2))
elif pData["type"] == "point":
ax.scatter(xData, yData,
marker=getSafeValue("marker"), label=getSafeValue("label"),
color=getSafeColour, zorder=getSafeValue("zorder", 2),
elif pData["type"] == "hLine":
currentLine = ax.hlines(yData, *xData, label=getSafeValue("label"), color=getSafeColour, **optArgs)
elif pData["type"] == "vLine":
currentLine = ax.vlines(xData, *yData, label=getSafeValue("label"), color=getSafeColour, **optArgs)
elif pData["type"] == "axvLine":
if "y" not in pData: yData = (0, 1) #Span the whole graph
currentLine = ax.axvline(xData, *yData, label=getSafeValue("label"), color=getSafeColour, **optArgs)
elif pData["type"] == "axhLine":
if "x" not in pData: xData = (0, 1) #Span the whole graph
currentLine = ax.axhline(yData, *xData, label=getSafeValue("label"), color=getSafeColour, **optArgs)
elif pData["type"] == "scatter":
ax.scatter(xData, yData, marker=getSafeValue("marker"), label=getSafeValue("label"), color=getSafeColour, **optArgs)
elif pData["type"] == "contour":
cs = ax.contour(getSafeValue("x"), getSafeValue("y"), pData["z"], levels=getSafeValue("levels"), colors=getSafeColour, **optArgs)
if "label" in pData: cs.collections[0].set_label(getSafeValue("label"))
elif pData["type"] == "matshow":
ms = ax.matshow(pData["matrix"], origin=getSafeValue("origin"), label=getSafeValue("label"), **optArgs)
if "colourBar" in pData:
colorbar(ms, extend=getSafeValue2("colourBar", "extend"))
elif pData["type"] == "pColourMesh":
mesh = []
if "X" in pData or "Y" in pData:
mesh = [xData, yData, pData["Z"]]
if "x" in pData or "y" in pData:
x = xData; y = yData
if type(x) in [int, float]: x = (0, x, None)
if type(y) in [int, float]: y = (0, x, None)
x = tuple(x); y = tuple(y)
if len(x) < 3: x = (x[0], x[1], None)
if len(y) < 3: y = (y[0], y[1], None)
x = np.arange(x[0], x[1], x[2])
y = np.arange(y[0], y[1], y[2])
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
mesh = [X, Y, pData["Z"]]
mesh = [pData["Z"]]
cNorm = None
if "norm" in pData:
cNorm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=pData["norm"][0], vmax=pData["norm"][1])
pcMesh = ax.pcolormesh(*mesh, norm=cNorm, shading=getSafeValue("shading"), label=getSafeValue("label"), **optArgs)
#pcMesh = ax.imshow(pData["Z"], norm=cNorm, origin="lower")
if "colourBar" in pData:
cBarOptArgs = pData["colourBar"]["optArgs"] if "optArgs" in pData["colourBar"] else {}
fig.colorbar(pcMesh, ax=ax, extend=getSafeValue2("colourBar", "extend"), **cBarOptArgs)
elif pData["type"] == "imshow":
cNorm = None
if "norm" in pData:
cNorm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=pData["norm"][0], vmax=pData["norm"][1])
ims = ax.imshow(pData["data"], norm=cNorm, origin=getSafeValue("origin"), label=getSafeValue("label"), **optArgs)
if "colourBar" in pData:
cBarOptArgs = pData["colourBar"]["optArgs"] if "optArgs" in pData["colourBar"] else {}
colorbar(ims, extend=getSafeValue2("colourBar", "extend"), **cBarOptArgs)
elif pData["type"] == "text":
if not "props" in pData:
props = {
"boxstyle" : getSafeValue("boxstyle", "round"),
"facecolor": getSafeValue("facecolor", getSafeValue("facecolour", "wheat")),
"alpha" : getSafeValue("alpha", 0.5)
align = (
getSafeValue("valign", None),
getSafeValue("halign", None),
align = getSafeValue("align", align)
ax.text(getSafeValue("x", 0.05), getSafeValue("y", 0.95), pData["text"], transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=getSafeValue("fontsize", None), va=align[0], ha=align[1], bbox=props)
elif pData["type"] == "addLabel":
if "fillAlpha" in pData or ("fill" in pData and ("type" not in pData or pData["type"] in ["plot"])):
currentLine = ax.get_lines()[-1] if currentLine is None else currentLine
fillData = pData["fill"] if type(pData["fill"]) == dict and "fill" in pData else {}
if "color" not in fillData:
line_colour = colors.to_rgba(currentLine.get_color())
if "fillAlpha" not in fillData: fillData["fillAlpha"] = pData["fillAlpha"] if "fillAlpha" in pData else 0.07
line_colour = (line_colour[0], line_colour[1], line_colour[2], fillData["fillAlpha"])
fillData["color"] = line_colour
if "y2" not in fillData: fillData["y2"] = 0
if "where" not in fillData: fillData["where"] = None
if "interpolate" not in fillData: fillData["interpolate"] = False
if "step" not in fillData: fillData["step"] = None
if "data" not in fillData: fillData["data"] = None
if "args" not in fillData: fillData["args"] = {}
ax.fill_between(xData, yData, fillData["y2"], color=fillData["color"],
where=fillData["where"], interpolate=fillData["interpolate"],
step=fillData["step"], data=fillData["data"], **fillData["args"]
#Set extra options as needed
ax = ax1
if "xLabel" in axGraphData: ax.set_xlabel(axGraphData["xLabel"]) # Add an x-label to the axes.
if "yLabel" in axGraphData: ax.set_ylabel(axGraphData["yLabel"]) # Add an y-label to the axes.
if "zLabel" in axGraphData: ax.set_zlabel(axGraphData["zLabel"]) # Add a y2-label to the axes.
if "y2Label" in axGraphData: ax2.set_ylabel(axGraphData["y2Label"]) # Add a y2-label to the axes.
if "title" in axGraphData: ax.set_title(axGraphData["title"]) # Add an title to the axes.
if "axis" in axGraphData: ax.axis(axGraphData["axis"]) # Set the axis type
if "grid" in axGraphData: ax.grid(axGraphData["grid"]) # Add grids to the graph
if "xPos" in axGraphData: # Add the abilty to move the x axis label and ticks
if "yPos" in axGraphData: # Add the abilty to move the y axis label and ticks
if "xLabelPos" in axGraphData: ax.xaxis.set_label_position(axGraphData["xLabelPos"]) # Add the ability to move the x axis label
if "yLabelPos" in axGraphData: ax.yaxis.set_label_position(axGraphData["yLabelPos"]) # Add the ability to move the y axis label
if "xTickPos" in axGraphData: ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position(axGraphData["xTickPos"]) # Add the ability to move the x axis ticks
if "yTickPos" in axGraphData: ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position(axGraphData["yTickPos"]) # Add the ability to move the y axis ticks
if "xScale" in axGraphData: ax.set_xscale(axGraphData["xScale"]) #Add x axis scaling if needed
if "yScale" in axGraphData: ax.set_yscale(axGraphData["yScale"]) #Add y axis scaling if needed
if "xInvert" in axGraphData and axGraphData["xInvert"]: ax.invert_xaxis()
if "yInvert" in axGraphData and axGraphData["yInvert"]: ax.invert_yaxis()
if "xLim" in axGraphData:
xLimit = ()
if type(axGraphData["xLim"]) in [int, float]:
xLimit = (0, axGraphData["xLim"])
xLimit = axGraphData["xLim"]
if "yLim" in axGraphData:
yLimit = ()
if type(axGraphData["yLim"]) in [int, float]:
yLimit = (0, axGraphData["yLim"])
yLimit = axGraphData["yLim"]
if "xTickMap" in axGraphData: #Allow for the mapping / transformation of the xAxis Ticks
formatter = axGraphData["xTickMap"]
xTicks = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(formatter)
if "yTickMap" in axGraphData: #Allow for the mapping / transformation of the yAxis Ticks
formatter = axGraphData["yTickMap"]
yTicks = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(formatter)
if "plots" in axGraphData and bool(sum([("label" in pData) for pData in axGraphData["plots"]])) and not ("noLedg" in axGraphData and axGraphData["noLedg"]) :
locPoint = axGraphData["ledgLoc"] if "ledgLoc" in axGraphData else None
add_lines, add_labels = additional_legends, [line.get_label() for line in additional_legends]
lines1, labels1 = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
if ax2:
lines2, labels2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax2.legend(lines1 + lines2 + add_lines, labels1 + labels2 + add_labels, loc=locPoint)
ax1.legend(lines1 + add_lines, labels1 + add_labels, loc=locPoint)
if "ticklabel" in axGraphData:
style = axGraphData["ticklabel"]["style"] if "style" in axGraphData["ticklabel"] else ""
axis = axGraphData["ticklabel"]["axis"] if "axis" in axGraphData["ticklabel"] else "both"
limits = axGraphData["ticklabel"]["limits"] if "limits" in axGraphData["ticklabel"] else None
optArgs = axGraphData["ticklabel"]["optArgs"] if "optArgs" in axGraphData["ticklabel"] else {}
ax.ticklabel_format(axis=axis, style=style, scilimits=limits, **optArgs)
#Should work?
if hideEmptyAxis:
if not ax.collections and not ax.lines:
if "title" in graphData or "winTitle" in graphData:
title = graphData["winTitle"] if "winTitle" in graphData else graphData["title"]
fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(title.replace("\n", " ")) #Set the figure title correctly
if "figTitle" in graphData:
getSafeValue = lambda key: graphData[key] if key in graphData else None #Only return the key-value if present in graphData
fig.suptitle(graphData["figTitle"], fontsize=getSafeValue("figTitleFontSize"))
if "title" not in graphData: fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(graphData["figTitle"].replace("\n", " "))
if tightLayout:
fig.tight_layout() #Fix labels being cut off sometimes
#Very big hack
if hideEmptyAxis:
if figSavePath:
if showPlot: #Show the plot and also block the program - doing things OO style allow for more flexible programs
return fig, axes
# [TODO] Make this Async so the closure of all graphs exits
def pltKeyClose():
'''Show all plots and wait for user input to close them all.'''
input('Press any key to close all graphs...')
if __name__ == '__main__':
#This is an example of drawing 4 plots by generating them
graphData = {
"figTitle": "Simple Plot",
"figTitleFontSize": 16,
"figSize": (8,8), #Yay America, this is in inches :/ # Note: cm = 1/2.54
"xLabel": "x label",
"yLabel": "y label",
"plotDim": (2,2),
#Create 4 identical plots with different names
for i in range(4):
newPlot = {
"title": f"Graph {i+1}",
"noLedg": i % 2 == 0,
"plots": [
{"x":[0,1,2,3,4], "y":[0,1,2,3,4], "label":"Linear"},
{"x":[0,1,2,3,4], "y":[5,5,5,5,5]},
{"x":[4,3,2,1,0], "y":[4,3,2,1,0], "label":"Linear2"},
{"x":0, "type":"axvLine", "label":"Red Vertical Line", "color":"uq:red"},
{"y":6, "type":"axhLine", "label":"Dashed Horizontal Line", "args":{"linestyle":"--"}},
{"type":"point", "x":4, "y":4, "label":"A Random Point", "colour":"uq:purple"},
"x":np.arange(0, 4, 0.1), "y": 3*np.sin(np.arange(0, 4, 0.1)),
"colour":"uq:dark_grey", "maxPoint": True,
"minPoint": "Custom Min {x:.1f}, {y:.1f}",
"fill": {"color": UQ_COLOURS["green"].alpha_adj(0.07)}

requirements.txt Normal file

Binary file not shown.