2025-02-14 21:33:43 +01:00

101 lines
3.7 KiB

# These could be from the std math lib, but I like the numpy ones better personally
from numpy import sin, cos, pi
# Pull a1 support
from a1_support import load_data, plot_water_height
# Fill these in with your details
__author__ = "Cal Wing"
__email__ = "cal@wing.id.au"
__date__ = "14/02/2025"
__version__ = "1.0.0"
# Task 1 [Broken]
def determine_power_used(water_mass: float, elevation: float, pumping_time: float, efficiency: float) -> float:
Calculates the power required to pump a certain mass of water a certain height
taking into account the pumping_time and efficiency.
water_mass (float): the mass of the water pumped [kg]
elevation (float): the height difference [m]
pumping_time (float): the amount of time the pump is running for [hrs]
efficiency (float): the conversion efficiency [%]
(float): the power required by the pump [kW]
# Ideal energy needed to lift the water
potenital_energy = water_mass * GRAVITY_ACC * elevation # J = kg * m/s^2 * m = mgh
# Actual amount of energy needed based on eff
# Here an 85% eff means an extra 15% is needed to pump the water up
electrical_energy = potenital_energy / (efficiency/100) # J = J * SCALER
# Actual electrial power used to pump the water
power_used = electrical_energy / (pumping_time*60*60) # W = J / S = J / (hr*60*60)
return power_used / 1e3 # W -> kW
# Task 2
def determine_water_released(gen_power: float, elevation: float, pumping_time: float, efficiency: float) -> float:
Calculates the mass of water released required to generate a specified power
gen_power (float): the specified power to be generated [kW]
elevation (float): the height difference [m]
pumping_time (float): the time the pump is running for [hrs]
efficiency (float): the conversion efficiency [%]
(float): the mass of the water required [kg]
# How much electrical engery was generated?
electrical_energy = (gen_power * 1e3) * (pumping_time*60*60) # J = W * S = (kW * 10^3) * (hrs*60*60)
# Need more potential energy to get electrial energy
# Again here for 85% eff need 15% more potenitial enegry to get pot-eng
potential_energy = electrical_energy * (efficiency/100) # J = J * Scaler
water_mass = potential_energy / (GRAVITY_ACC * elevation) # kg = J / (m/s^2 * m)
return water_mass
# Task 3
# See if I get what the task sheet wants
def sheet_tasks():
import numpy as np
(determine_power_used, (5e6, 250, 8, 85), 500.9191176470588),
(determine_water_released, (300, 250, 8, 85), 2994495.4128440367)
for i, (task, args, expected) in enumerate(TASKS):
print(f'Task {i+1}')
result = task(*args)
# Number comparison
if isinstance(expected, (float, int)):
foo = np.isclose(result, expected, 0.001)
print(f'{task.__qualname__}{args} -> {result} {"~=" if foo else "!="} {expected}')
print(f'Task is{"" if foo else " NOT"} close enough to expected result.')
# Literal Comparison
elif expected is not None:
print(f'{task.__qualname__}{args} -> {result} {"==" if result == expected else "!="} {expected}')
print(f'Task{"" if result == expected else " NOT"} equal to expected result.')
# Just run the task
print(f'{task.__qualname__}{args} -> {result}')
# Newline
if __name__ == '__main__':