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# Mech3410-P1-Graphs
# Cal Wing - Aug 2024
import os, time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from numpy import sqrt
from makeGraph import makeGraph, pltKeyClose, UQ_COLOURS as UQC, uq_colour_cycler_factory as uqccf # Custom Graphing Lib
# Override Sin & Cos to use & return degrees
def sin(angle): return np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle))
def cos(angle): return np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle))
# Make sure the relevant folders folder exists
#folders = ["./images", "./tmp", "./data"]
folders = ["./images", './images/pressure', './images/cp']
for folder in folders:
if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.mkdir(folder)
INCH_TO_M = 0.0254
GRAVITY = 9.81 #m/s^2
CHORD_LEN = 1000 #90 #mm
PITOT_PLACEMENT = np.array((0,4,8,16,25,34,43,52,61,70,5,9,17,25,34,43,52,61,70)) # mm from base of chord
print("="*15, "Loading Data", "="*15)
data_508rpm = {
"rpm": 508,
"airSpeed": 10,
"data": pd.read_excel('.\\data\\508 RPM Results.xlsx', sheet_name=None, header=None),
"AoA": (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
data_1000rpm = {
"rpm": 1000,
"airSpeed": 20.40408122,
"data": pd.read_excel('.\\data\\1000 RPM Results.xlsx', sheet_name=None, header=None),
"AoA": (1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16)
print("="*15, "Loaded Data", "="*15)
def make_pressure_graph(sheet1, aoa, rpm, air_speed, doGraph=True):
water_density = sheet1.iloc[0, 2] # kg/m^3
air_density = sheet1.iloc[1, 2] # kg/m^3
atm_presure_inch = sheet1.iloc[24, 12] # inch
pitot_height_inch = sheet1.iloc[4:23, 11]
pitot_height_m = (pitot_height_inch - atm_presure_inch)*INCH_TO_M
pressure = water_density * GRAVITY * pitot_height_m
#print(pressure.min(), pressure.max())
# Do the trapiztoal rule integration
da = []
for i, _ in enumerate(pressure):
if i in [0]: continue # Skip 0
if i in [10]: # Force tapping 11 to use tapping 1 rather then 0
da.append(((PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[i] - PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[0])/2) * (pressure.iloc[0] + pressure.iloc[i]))
da.append(((PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[i] - PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[i-1])/2) * (pressure.iloc[i-1] + pressure.iloc[i]))
da = np.array(da)
upper_force = da[:10].sum()
lower_force = da[10 :].sum()
force = lower_force - upper_force # Upper Sum (1-10) less Lower Sum (11-19)
lift = force * cos(aoa)
drag = force * sin(aoa)
# Extrapolate Aerofoil Tip
p1 = (PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], pressure.iloc[9])
p2 = (PITOT_PLACEMENT[18], pressure.iloc[18])
pN = (1.1*max(PITOT_PLACEMENT), p2[1] + (p1[1]-p2[1])/2)
#print(aoa, rpm, p1[1], p2[1], (p1[1]-p2[1])/2, pN[1], pN[1] > p1[1])
graph = {
"title": f"Pressure vs Pitot Placement along Chord\nfor a Clark Y 14% Aerofoil at:\nα = {int(aoa):d}° at {rpm:d} RPM ({air_speed:.1f}m/s)",
"windowTitle": f"Pressure along Clark Y 14 Percent Airfoil - Alpha {int(aoa):d} Degrees - {rpm:d}rpm - {air_speed:.1f}m_s",
"xLabel": "Pitot Placement [mm]",
"yLabel": "Pressure [Pa]",
"grid": True,
"yLim": (pressure.min()-10, pressure.max()+10),
"plots": [
# Draw Lines
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT[:10], "y":pressure[:10], "colour": UQC["purple"]},
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT[10:], "y":pressure[10:], "colour": UQC["purple"]},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT[0], PITOT_PLACEMENT[10]], "y": [pressure.iloc[0], pressure.iloc[10]], "colour": UQC["purple"]},
#{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], PITOT_PLACEMENT[18]], "y": [pressure.iloc[9], pressure.iloc[18]], "colour": UQC["purple"]},
# Draw Extrapolated Airfoil Tip
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], pN[0]], "y": [pressure.iloc[9], pN[1]], "colour": UQC["aqua"], "label": "Extrapolated Airfoil Tip"},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], pN[0]], "y": [pressure.iloc[18], pN[1]], "colour": UQC["aqua"]},
# Draw Colour Shading
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT[:10], "y":pressure[:10], "colour": UQC["purple"], "alpha":0.2, "type":"fill"},
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT[10:], "y":pressure[10:], "colour": "w", "type":"fill"},
{"x":[PITOT_PLACEMENT[0], PITOT_PLACEMENT[10]], "y":[pressure.iloc[0], pressure.iloc[10]], "colour": "w", "type":"fill"},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], pN[0]], "y": [pressure.iloc[9], pN[1]], "colour": UQC["aqua"], "type":"fill", "alpha":0.2},
{"x":[PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], pN[0]], "y": [pressure.iloc[18], pN[1]], "colour": "w", "type":"fill"},
# Draw Points & text
{"x":PITOT_PLACEMENT, "y":pressure, "label":"Pressure Data", "type":"scatter", "args":{"zorder":2}},
{"label":[str(i) for i in range(1, len(PITOT_PLACEMENT)+1)], "x":PITOT_PLACEMENT, "y":pressure, "type":"annotate"},
{"type":"text", "x": 0.98, "y": 0.02, "text": f"Min: {pressure.min():.3f} Pa\nMax: {pressure.max():.3f} Pa\nForce: {force:.3f}N\nLift: {lift:.3f}N\nDrag: {drag:.3f}N", "align": ('bottom', 'right')}
if doGraph:
makeGraph(graph, False, figSavePath=f'./images/pressure/{{0}}.png', closeFig=True)
return pressure, graph, (water_density, air_density, atm_presure_inch, pitot_height_inch), (p1, p2, pN), aoa, (force, lift, drag, da, upper_force, lower_force)
def make_cp_graph(pressure, aoa, rpm, air_speed, data, doGraph=True):
water_density, air_density, atm_presure_inch, pitot_height_inch = data
#print(pressure.min(), pressure.max())
# Calculate Cp
cp = pressure / (0.5 * air_density * (air_speed ** 2))
#print("force, lift, drag, upper_force, lower_force")
#print(force, lift, drag, upper_force, lower_force)
#print(f"{aoa}, ")
# Extrapolate Aerofoil Tip
p1 = (PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[9], cp.iloc[9])
p2 = (PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[18], cp.iloc[18])
pN = (1.1*max(PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM), p2[1] + (p1[1]-p2[1])/2)
#print(aoa, rpm, p1[1], p2[1], (p1[1]-p2[1])/2, pN[1], pN[1] > p1[1])
graph = {
"title": f"$C_p$ vs Pitot Placement along Chord\nfor a Clark Y 14% Aerofoil at:\nα = {int(aoa):d}° at {rpm:d} RPM ({air_speed:.1f}m/s)",
"windowTitle": f"Cp along Clark Y 14 Percent Airfoil - Alpha {int(aoa):d} Degrees - {rpm:d}rpm - {air_speed:.1f}m_s",
"xLabel": "Pitot Placement [m]",
"yLabel": "$C_p$",
"grid": True,
"yLim": (cp.min()-0.5, cp.max()+0.5),
"plots": [
# Draw Lines
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[:10], "y":cp[:10], "colour": UQC["purple"]},
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[10:], "y":cp[10:], "colour": UQC["purple"]},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[0], PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[10]], "y": [cp.iloc[0], cp.iloc[10]], "colour": UQC["purple"]},
#{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[9], PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[18]], "y": [cp.iloc[9], cp.iloc[18]], "colour": UQC["purple"]},
# Draw Extrapolated Airfoil Tip
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[9], pN[0]], "y": [cp.iloc[9], pN[1]], "colour": UQC["aqua"], "label": "Extrapolated Airfoil Tip"},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[9], pN[0]], "y": [cp.iloc[18], pN[1]], "colour": UQC["aqua"]},
# Draw Colour Shading
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[:10], "y":cp[:10], "colour": UQC["purple"], "alpha":0.2, "type":"fill"},
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[10:], "y":cp[10:], "colour": "w", "type":"fill"},
{"x":[PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[0], PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[10]], "y":[cp.iloc[0], cp.iloc[10]], "colour": "w", "type":"fill"},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[9], pN[0]], "y": [cp.iloc[9], pN[1]], "colour": UQC["aqua"], "type":"fill", "alpha":0.2},
{"x":[PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[9], pN[0]], "y": [cp.iloc[18], pN[1]], "colour": "w", "type":"fill"},
# Draw Points & text
{"x":PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM, "y":cp, "label":"cp Data", "type":"scatter", "args":{"zorder":2}},
{"label":[str(i) for i in range(1, len(PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM)+1)], "x":PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM, "y":cp, "type":"annotate"},
{"type":"text", "x": 0.98, "y": 0.02, "text": f"Min $C_p$: {cp.min():.3f}\nMax $C_p$: {cp.max():.3f}", "align": ('bottom', 'right')}
if doGraph:
makeGraph(graph, False, figSavePath=f'./images/cp/{{0}}.png', closeFig=True)
return cp, graph, (p1, p2, pN), aoa
def make_rpm_graph():
air_density = data_508rpm["data"]["0 AoA"].iloc[1, 2] # kg/m^3
rpm = np.concat((np.array([0]), np.array(data_508rpm["data"]["0 AoA"].iloc[4:14, 2])))
pressure = np.concat((np.array([0]), np.array(data_508rpm["data"]["0 AoA"].iloc[4:14, 4], dtype=np.float64)))
airSpeed = sqrt(-pressure * 2 / air_density)
x = np.linspace(rpm[0], rpm[-1], 1000)
y = 0.0212*x - 0.7751
graph = {
"title": f"RPM vs Velocity for Wind Tunnel 3",
"xLabel": "Fan RPM",
"yLabel": "Airspeed [m/s]",
"grid": True,
"plots": [
{"x": x, "y":y, "label":"Linear Estimate", "args":{"linestyle":"--"}, "colour": UQC["neutral"]},
{"type": "scatter", "x":rpm, "y": airSpeed, "label": "Measured Velocity", "colour":UQC["purple"], "args":{"zorder":2}},
{"type": "point", "x":508, "y": 10, "label": "Selected RPM (508)", "colour":UQC["red"], "zorder":3},
{"type":"text", "x": 0.98, "y": 0.02, "text": f"Velocity at 508 RPM: {10:.3f} m/s\nVelocity at 1000 RPM: {airSpeed[-1]:.3f} m/s", "align": ('bottom', 'right')},
{"type":"text", "x": 0.80, "y": 0.85, "text": f"$y = 0.0212 \\cdot x - 0.7751$", "align": ('bottom', 'right'), "facecolour": UQC["neutral"]}
makeGraph(graph, False, figSavePath='./images/{0}.png')
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Generating RPM Graph")
print("Loading Data & Generating Pressure Graphs")
data = {}
for raw_data in tqdm((data_508rpm, data_1000rpm), position=0):
aoa_data = {}
cp_pain_data = []
for aoa in tqdm(raw_data["AoA"], position=1):
sheet = raw_data["data"][f"{aoa} AoA"]
aoa_data[aoa] = make_pressure_graph(sheet, aoa, raw_data["rpm"], raw_data["airSpeed"], True)
data[raw_data["rpm"]] = aoa_data
if True:
# All
graph = {
"title": f"Pressure vs Pitot Placement along Chord\nfor a Clark Y 14% Aerofoil at:\n{raw_data["rpm"]:d} RPM ({raw_data["airSpeed"]:.1f}m/s)",
"windowTitle": f"All Pressure along Clark Y 14 Percent Airfoil - {raw_data["rpm"]:d}rpm - {raw_data["airSpeed"]:.1f}m_s",
"xLabel": "Pitot Placement [mm]",
"yLabel": "Pressure [Pa]",
"grid": True,
"ledgLoc": 1,
"plots": []
colour_cycle = uqccf()
for aoa, c in zip(aoa_data, colour_cycle):
#print(c["color"], c["color"].hex_lighten(1.4), c["color"].rgb(), c["color"].lighten(1.4))
#print(c["color"].hex_lighten(1), c["color"])
this_data = aoa_data[aoa]
pressure = this_data[0]
# Extrapolate Aerofoil Tip
p1 = (PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], pressure.iloc[9])
p2 = (PITOT_PLACEMENT[18], pressure.iloc[18])
pN = (0.9*CHORD_LEN, p2[1] + (p1[1]-p2[1])/2)
plts = (
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT[:10], "y":pressure[:10], "colour": c["color"]},
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT[10:], "y":pressure[10:], "colour": c["color"]},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT[0], PITOT_PLACEMENT[10]], "y": [pressure.iloc[0], pressure.iloc[10]], "colour": c["color"]},
#{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], PITOT_PLACEMENT[18]], "y": [pressure.iloc[9], pressure.iloc[18]], "colour": c["color"]},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], pN[0]], "y": [pressure.iloc[9], pN[1]], "colour": c["color"], "args":{"alpha":0.3}},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], pN[0]], "y": [pressure.iloc[18], pN[1]], "colour": c["color"], "args":{"alpha":0.3}},
{"x":PITOT_PLACEMENT, "y":pressure, "label":f"α = {int(aoa):d}°", "type":"scatter", "colour": c["color"], "args":{"zorder":2}},
for plt in plts:
if raw_data["rpm"] == 508:
graph['xLim'] = (
graph["figSize"] = (8, 6)
makeGraph(graph, False, figSavePath="./images/pressure/__{0}.png", closeFig=True)
graph["plots"] = []
graph["windowTitle"] = f"Pressure along Clark Y 14 Percent Airfoil - {raw_data["rpm"]:d}rpm - {raw_data["airSpeed"]:.1f}m_s"
colour_cycle = uqccf()
for aoa, c in list(zip(aoa_data, colour_cycle))[1::2]:
this_data = aoa_data[aoa]
pressure = this_data[0]
# Extrapolate Aerofoil Tip
p1 = (PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], pressure.iloc[9])
p2 = (PITOT_PLACEMENT[18], pressure.iloc[18])
pN = (0.9*CHORD_LEN, p2[1] + (p1[1]-p2[1])/2)
plts = (
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT[:10], "y":pressure[:10], "colour": c["color"]},
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT[10:], "y":pressure[10:], "colour": c["color"]},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT[0], PITOT_PLACEMENT[10]], "y": [pressure.iloc[0], pressure.iloc[10]], "colour": c["color"]},
#{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], PITOT_PLACEMENT[18]], "y": [pressure.iloc[9], pressure.iloc[18]], "colour": c["color"]},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], pN[0]], "y": [pressure.iloc[9], pN[1]], "colour": c["color"], "args":{"alpha":0.3}},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT[9], pN[0]], "y": [pressure.iloc[18], pN[1]], "colour": c["color"], "args":{"alpha":0.3}},
{"x":PITOT_PLACEMENT, "y":pressure, "label":f"α = {int(aoa):d}°", "type":"scatter", "colour": c["color"], "args":{"zorder":2}},
for plt in plts:
makeGraph(graph, False, figSavePath="./images/pressure/__{0}.png")
if True:
aoa = [a[-2] for a in cp_pain_data][1::2]
forces = [a[-1] for a in cp_pain_data][1::2]
# Force Graphs
graph = {
"title": f"All Total, Lift & Drag Forces\nfor a Clark Y 14% Aerofoil at:\n{raw_data["rpm"]:d}rpm - {raw_data["airSpeed"]:.1f}m/s)",
"windowTitle": f"All Total, Lift and Drag Forces for a Clark Y 14 Percent Airfoil - {raw_data["rpm"]:d}rpm - {raw_data["airSpeed"]:.1f}m_s",
"xLabel": "Attack Angle [$\\alpha$]",
"yLabel": "Force [N]",
"grid": True,
"ledgLoc": 1,
"plots": [
{"x":aoa, "y":[f[0] for f in forces], "label":"Total Force"},
{"x":aoa, "y":[f[1] for f in forces], "label":"Lift"},
{"x":aoa, "y":[f[2] for f in forces], "label":"Drag"},
makeGraph(graph, False, figSavePath="./images/{0}.png", closeFig=True)
print("AoA Total Lift Drag ---- Upper Force Lower Force ")
for aoa, force in [(a[-2], a[-1]) for a in cp_pain_data]:
print(f"{aoa:d}\\textdegree & {force[0]:.3f} & {force[1]:.3f} & {force[2]:.3f} -- {force[4]:.3f} {force[5]:.3f} \\\\")
print("Generating Cp Graphs")
cp_data = {}
for raw_data in tqdm((data_508rpm, data_1000rpm), position=0):
cp_pain_data = []
for aoa in tqdm(raw_data["AoA"], position=1):
this_data = data[raw_data["rpm"]][aoa]
cp_data_this = make_cp_graph(this_data[0], aoa, raw_data["rpm"], raw_data["airSpeed"], this_data[2], True)
cp_data[raw_data["rpm"]] = cp_pain_data
if True:
# All
graph = {
"title": f"All $C_p$ vs Pitot Placement along Chord\nfor a Clark Y 14% Aerofoil at:\n{raw_data["rpm"]:d}rpm - {raw_data["airSpeed"]:.1f}m/s)",
"windowTitle": f"All Cp along Clark Y 14 Percent Airfoil - {raw_data["rpm"]:d}rpm - {raw_data["airSpeed"]:.1f}m_s",
"xLabel": "Pitot Placement [m]",
"yLabel": "$C_p$",
"grid": True,
"ledgLoc": 1,
"plots": [],
colour_cycle = uqccf()
for this_data, c in zip(cp_pain_data, colour_cycle):
cp = this_data[0]
# Extrapolate Aerofoil Tip
p1, p2, pN = this_data[2]
plts = (
# Draw Lines
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[:10], "y":cp[:10], "colour": c["color"]},
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[10:], "y":cp[10:], "colour": c["color"]},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[0], PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[10]], "y": [cp.iloc[0], cp.iloc[10]], "colour": c["color"]},
# Draw Extrapolated Airfoil Tip
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[9], pN[0]], "y": [cp.iloc[9], pN[1]], "colour": c["color"], "args":{"alpha":0.3}},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[9], pN[0]], "y": [cp.iloc[18], pN[1]], "colour": c["color"], "args":{"alpha":0.3}},
# Draw Points & text
{"x":PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM, "y":cp, "label":f"α = {int(this_data[-1]):d}°", "type":"scatter", "args":{"zorder":2}, "colour": c["color"]},
for plt in plts:
if raw_data["rpm"] == 508:
#graph['xLim'] = (
graph["figSize"] = (8, 6)
makeGraph(graph, False, figSavePath="./images/cp/__{0}.png", closeFig=True)
graph["title"] = f"$C_p$ vs Pitot Placement along Chord\nfor a Clark Y 14% Aerofoil at:\n{raw_data["rpm"]:d}rpm - {raw_data["airSpeed"]:.1f}m/s)"
graph["windowTitle"] = f"Cp along Clark Y 14 Percent Airfoil - {raw_data["rpm"]:d}rpm - {raw_data["airSpeed"]:.1f}m_s"
graph["plots"] = []
colour_cycle = uqccf()
for this_data, c in list(zip(cp_pain_data, colour_cycle))[1::2]:
cp = this_data[0]
# Extrapolate Aerofoil Tip
p1, p2, pN = this_data[2]
plts = (
# Draw Lines
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[:10], "y":cp[:10], "colour": c["color"]},
{"x": PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[10:], "y":cp[10:], "colour": c["color"]},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[0], PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[10]], "y": [cp.iloc[0], cp.iloc[10]], "colour": c["color"]},
# Draw Extrapolated Airfoil Tip
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[9], pN[0]], "y": [cp.iloc[9], pN[1]], "colour": c["color"], "args":{"alpha":0.3}},
{"x": [PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM[9], pN[0]], "y": [cp.iloc[18], pN[1]], "colour": c["color"], "args":{"alpha":0.3}},
# Draw Points & text
{"x":PITOT_PLACEMENT_CHORD_NORM, "y":cp, "label":f"α = {int(this_data[-1]):d}°", "type":"scatter", "args":{"zorder":2}, "colour": c["color"]},
for plt in plts:
makeGraph(graph, False, figSavePath="./images/cp/__{0}.png", closeFig=True)