97 lines
3.7 KiB
97 lines
3.7 KiB
""" debug_lib
A bunch of helpful debuging functions
Cal.W 2019
class auto_input:
"""Given a list automagicly enter a value."""
def __init__(self, input_list):
#Just setup some internal stuff
self.input_index = 0
self.input_list = input_list
def __call__(self, input_text):
#TLDR: Get the next value from the array and return that
# If there was an error then ask the user for input
out = self.input_list[self.input_index]
out = None
self.input_index += 1
if out is None:
out = __builtins__['input']('#Input#: '+input_text)
return str(out)
def stringCompairTests(test_function, tests, doPrint=True, logFile=None):
"""Run a bunch of tests on a function and check the outputs via comparing them to wanted outputs as strings.
test_function: function - This needs to be the function to test
tests: list - The list of tests to run. Each test is a list in the form: [(arg1, arg2, ...), expected_output]
Note: The number of arguments in the tuple *must* equal the number required for the function
doPrint: bool - Print the test results - Default: True
logFile: str - The path to write the output as a log if it is NoneType(None) then it won't make a logfile - Default: None
list - A list containing each test result as a tuple in the form: (returned_result, Bool(test_succeeded), test)
def doThing(arg1, arg2):
return arg1 + arg2
tests = [
[(1, 2), 3],
[("Hello", "World"), "HelloWorld"],
[(1, 3), 2]
test_results = stringCompairTests(doThing, tests)
>>>test_results => [
(3, True, [(1, 2), 3]),
("HelloWorld", True, [("Hello", "World"), "HelloWorld"]),
(4, False, [(1, 3), 2])
test_results = []
logString = ""
for i, test in enumerate(tests):
result = test_function(**test[0]) if type(test[0]) is dict else test_function(*test[0])
test_results.append((result, str(test[1]) == str(result), test))
logStringL = "-"*50
logStringL += "\n"+ "Test: " + str(i) + (" - Success" if result else " - Failure")
logStringL += "\n"+ "Given Arguments: \"" + '", "'.join(test[0]) + '"'
logStringL += "\n"+ "Expected Output: " + str(test[1])
logStringL += "\n"+ "Returned Output: " + str(result)
logStringL += "\n"+ "Returned Values " + ("don't" if not result else "") + "match."
logString += '\n' + logStringL
if doPrint: print(logStringL)
successfull_tests = sum([1 for x in test_results if x[1]])
logStringL = "\n" + str(successfull_tests) + " test" + ("s" if len(test_results)-successfull_tests == 1 else '')
logStringL += " succeeded with " + str(len(test_results)-successfull_tests) + " test"
logStringL += ("s" if len(test_results)-successfull_tests == 1 else "") + " failing."
logString += '\n' + logStringL
if doPrint: print(logStringL,"\n")
if logFile not in (None, ""):
if type(logFile) is bool and logFile: logFile = __file__.rsplit('\\', 1)[1]
if logString[0] == "\n": logString = logString[1:]
with open(str(logFile)+".log", 'w') as writeFile:
if doPrint: print("The logfile:", '\''+str(logFile)+".log'", "has been written to.", "\n")
return test_results |