2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
# Cal Wing (c.wing@uq.net.au) - Oct 2024
# Thesis Graphing
2024-09-30 15:11:52 +10:00
2024-09-30 19:30:28 +10:00
import os
2024-09-30 19:13:09 +10:00
import numpy as np
2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
import pandas as pd
import yaml
2024-09-30 19:13:09 +10:00
2024-09-30 15:11:52 +10:00
from nptdms import TdmsFile
from makeGraph import makeGraph, pltKeyClose, UQ_COLOURS as UQC
2024-10-15 20:33:26 +10:00
from canny_shock_finder import canny_shock_finder
2024-09-30 19:30:28 +10:00
# Folder correction
# Make sure the relevant folders folder exists
folders = ["./images"]
for folder in folders:
if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.mkdir(folder)
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
# Data Paths
2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
DATA_PATH = "./data"
DATA_INFO = "_info.yaml"
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
TUNNEL_INFO_FILE = "./tunnel-info.yaml"
2024-10-16 20:57:25 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
with open(TUNNEL_INFO_FILE, 'r') as file:
TUNNEL_INFO = yaml.safe_load(file)
2024-09-30 16:45:52 +10:00
2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
data_to_load = [
2024-10-15 18:28:10 +10:00
2024-10-16 19:59:49 +10:00
2024-10-17 19:30:54 +10:00
2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
2024-09-30 16:45:52 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
# ==== Data Loading & Processing ====
def load_data(data_to_load: list[str]) -> dict:
data = {}
for dp in data_to_load:
data_path = f"{DATA_PATH}/{dp}/"
data_info_path = data_path + DATA_INFO
if not os.path.exists(data_info_path):
print(f"[ERR] Could not find data info file: '{data_info_path}'")
print(f"[WARN] Not Loading Data '{dp}'")
# Load Shot Data Info YAML File (Cal)
with open(data_info_path, 'r') as file:
dataInfo = yaml.safe_load(file)
# Grab the shot name
2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
x2_shot = dataInfo["shot-info"]["name"]
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
# Load Raw Data
# TDMS File (X2 DAQ Data)
2024-10-16 19:31:51 +10:00
x2_tdms_data = TdmsFile.read(data_path + dataInfo["shot-info"]['tdms'], raw_timestamps=True)
2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
x2_channels = x2_tdms_data.groups()[0].channels()
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
x2_channel_names = tuple(c.name for c in x2_channels)
# Scope info _if it exists_
2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
if dataInfo["probe-info"]["data-record"]["type"] == "scope":
scope_data_path = data_path + dataInfo["probe-info"]["data-record"]["data"]
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
scope_config_path = data_path + dataInfo["probe-info"]["data-record"]["config"] # [TODO] Read this file
2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
# Generate Data Headers - This could be better
2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
with open(scope_data_path, 'r') as dfile:
scope_header = []
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
header_lines = []
for i, line in enumerate(dfile):
if i > 1: break
for i, name in enumerate(header_lines[0]):
if name == "x-axis":
name = "Time"
if header_lines[1][i] in ["second", "Volt"]:
outStr = f"{name} [{header_lines[1][i][0]}]"
outStr = f"{name} [{header_lines[1][i]}]"
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
# Load the Scope CSV Data
2024-10-15 18:28:10 +10:00
scope_data = np.loadtxt(scope_data_path, delimiter=',', skiprows=2)
2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
# Build a data object (this could be cached - or partially cached if I was clever enough)
# Raw Data is always added - processing comes after
2024-10-15 15:11:10 +10:00
data[x2_shot] = {
"info": dataInfo,
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
"shot_time": np.datetime64(f"{dataInfo["date"]}T{dataInfo["time"]}"),
"probe_headers": scope_header,
"probes": scope_data,
"x2": x2_channels,
"x2-channels": x2_channel_names,
"x2-tdms": x2_tdms_data
"time": {
"x2": None,
"trigger_index": None
"data": {
"x2": {} # Only pop channels with a voltage scale in ./tunnel-info.yaml
2024-09-30 19:30:28 +10:00
2024-09-30 15:11:52 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
# === Process the data ===
# Generate X2 time arrays
time_data = x2_channels[0]
2024-10-16 22:45:30 +10:00
ns_time = time_data[:].as_datetime64('ns')
x2_time_seconds = (ns_time - ns_time[0]) # timedelta64[ns]
x2_time_us = x2_time_seconds.astype("float64") / 1000 # Scale to us
#second_fractions = np.array(time_data[:].second_fractions, dtype=int) # 2^-64 ths of a second
#x2_time_seconds = (second_fractions - second_fractions[0]) / (2**(-64)) # 0 time data and convert to seconds
#x2_time_us = x2_time_seconds * 1000 # Scale to us
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
# --- Un Scale Data ---
for channel, vScale in TUNNEL_INFO["volt-scale"].items():
# Get the channel index from its name
chIndex = x2_channel_names.index(channel)
# Calculate the average noise offset
avg_noise = x2_channels[chIndex][0:SAMPLES_TO_AVG].mean()
# Save the channel data
data[x2_shot]["data"]["x2"][channel] = (x2_channels[chIndex][:] - avg_noise) * vScale
# Process Trigger Info
trigger_volts = data[x2_shot]["data"]["x2"]["trigbox"] # Use a mean to offset
x2_trigger_index = np.where(trigger_volts > 1)[0][0]
x2_trigger_time = x2_time_us[x2_trigger_index]
# Add the time data
data[x2_shot]["time"] = {
"x2": x2_time_us,
"trigger_index": x2_trigger_index
2024-09-30 15:11:52 +10:00
2024-10-16 19:31:51 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
# Scope timing _if it exists_
if dataInfo["probe-info"]["data-record"]["type"] == "scope":
trigger_info = dataInfo["probe-info"]["data-record"]["trigger"] # Get the scope trigger info
2024-10-16 19:31:51 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:45:30 +10:00
# Calc the scope time & apply any manual offsets
scope_time = (scope_data[:, 0] - scope_data[0, 0]) * 1e6 # to us
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
scope_time -= trigger_info["alignment-offset"] # manual offset delay
2024-10-16 19:31:51 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
# Trigger Alignment
scope_trigger_volts = (scope_data[:, 3] - scope_data[0:SAMPLES_TO_AVG, 3].mean()) # Use a mean here too
scope_trigger_index = np.where(scope_trigger_volts > 1)[0][0]
scope_trigger_time = scope_time[scope_trigger_index]
2024-10-15 20:33:26 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
scope_alignment = x2_trigger_time - scope_trigger_time
2024-10-15 20:33:26 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
scope_time += scope_alignment
2024-10-15 20:33:26 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:45:30 +10:00
# Offset any trigger delays
scope_time += trigger_info["delay"] # us delay from the actual trigger signal to the scope received trigger
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
data[x2_shot]["time"]["scope"] = scope_time
data[x2_shot]["time"]["scope-offset"] = scope_alignment
2024-10-15 20:33:26 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
data[x2_shot]["data"]["scope"] = {}
for i, header in enumerate(scope_header):
if i == 0: continue # Don't record time
2024-10-16 19:31:51 +10:00
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
# Python reference so its the same object
ref = scope_data[:, i]
data[x2_shot]["data"]["scope"][i] = ref
data[x2_shot]["data"]["scope"][header] = ref
2024-10-15 20:33:26 +10:00
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
# Find Shock Times
# X2 - Canning Edge
data[x2_shot]["shock-point"] = {}
for ref in dataInfo["pcb-refs"]:
refData = data[x2_shot]["data"]["x2"][ref]
2024-10-17 19:30:54 +10:00
first_value, first_value_uncertainty, _, _ = canny_shock_finder(x2_time_us, refData, plot=False, print_func=None)
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
shock_point = np.where(x2_time_us >= first_value)[0][0] # [BUG] Seems to give n+1
data[x2_shot]["shock-point"][ref] = shock_point, first_value
2024-10-16 23:38:42 +10:00
for i, probe in enumerate(dataInfo["probe-info"]["locations"]):
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
probeCh1 = data[x2_shot]["data"]["scope"][1]
probeCh2 = data[x2_shot]["data"]["scope"][2]
2024-10-16 23:56:18 +10:00
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
#[HACK] For detection
2024-10-16 23:38:42 +10:00
if i > 0:
privPoint = dataInfo["probe-info"]["locations"][i-1]
2024-10-16 23:56:18 +10:00
offset = data[x2_shot]["shock-point"][f"{privPoint}-g1"][0] + 150 #[i-1] + 25
2024-10-16 23:38:42 +10:00
offset = 0
shock_point = np.where(probeCh1[offset:] >= 0.3)[0] + offset
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
first_value = scope_time[shock_point]
2024-10-17 19:30:54 +10:00
first_value, first_value_uncertainty, _, _ = canny_shock_finder(scope_time[offset:], probeCh1[offset:], plot=False, sigma=2, post_shock_pressure=0.02, print_func=None)
2024-10-16 23:56:18 +10:00
shock_point = np.where(scope_time[offset:] >= first_value)[0][0] + offset # [BUG] Seems to give n+1
data[x2_shot]["shock-point"][f"{probe}-g1"] = shock_point, first_value
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
#[HACK] For detection
2024-10-16 23:38:42 +10:00
if i > 0:
privPoint = dataInfo["probe-info"]["locations"][i-1]
2024-10-16 23:56:18 +10:00
offset = data[x2_shot]["shock-point"][f"{privPoint}-g2"][0] + 150 #[i-1] + 25
2024-10-16 23:38:42 +10:00
offset = 0
shock_point = np.where(probeCh2[offset:] >= 0.3)[0] + offset
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
first_value = scope_time[shock_point]
2024-10-16 23:56:18 +10:00
2024-10-17 19:30:54 +10:00
first_value, first_value_uncertainty, _, _ = canny_shock_finder(scope_time[offset:], probeCh2[offset:], plot=False, sigma=2, post_shock_pressure=0.02, print_func=None)
2024-10-16 23:56:18 +10:00
shock_point = np.where(scope_time[offset:] >= first_value)[0][0] + offset # [BUG] Seems to give n+1
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
data[x2_shot]["shock-point"][f"{probe}-g2"] = shock_point, first_value
2024-10-17 00:02:40 +10:00
# Calculate Shock Speeds
2024-10-17 19:30:54 +10:00
print("="*25, x2_shot, "="*25)
2024-10-17 00:02:40 +10:00
for probe in dataInfo["probe-info"]["locations"]:
g1_time = data[x2_shot]["shock-point"][f"{probe}-g1"][1] / 1e6 # Convert to seconds
g2_time = data[x2_shot]["shock-point"][f"{probe}-g2"][1] / 1e6 # Convert to seconds
c2c_dist = dataInfo["probe-info"]["c2c"] / 1000 # convert to m
probe_velocity = c2c_dist / abs(g2_time - g1_time) # m/s
2024-10-17 00:15:06 +10:00
print(f"{probe} Measured a shock speed of {probe_velocity:.2f} m/s ({probe_velocity/1000:.2f} km/s)")
if len(dataInfo["probe-info"]["locations"]) > 1:
2024-10-17 19:30:54 +10:00
for i in range(len(dataInfo["probe-info"]["locations"]) - 1):
probe_locs = dataInfo["probe-info"]["locations"]
p1_g1_time = data[x2_shot]["shock-point"][f"{probe_locs[i]}-g1"][1] / 1e6 # Convert to seconds
p1_g2_time = data[x2_shot]["shock-point"][f"{probe_locs[i]}-g2"][1] / 1e6 # Convert to seconds
p2_g1_time = data[x2_shot]["shock-point"][f"{probe_locs[i+1]}-g1"][1] / 1e6 # Convert to seconds
p2_g2_time = data[x2_shot]["shock-point"][f"{probe_locs[i+1]}-g2"][1] / 1e6 # Convert to seconds
p2p = (TUNNEL_INFO["distance"][probe_locs[1]] - TUNNEL_INFO["distance"][probe_locs[0]]) / 1000 # convert to m
p2p_1 = p2p / abs(p2_g1_time - p1_g1_time) # m/s
p2p_2 = p2p / abs(p2_g2_time - p1_g2_time) # m/s
2024-10-17 00:02:40 +10:00
2024-10-17 19:30:54 +10:00
print(f"{probe_locs[i]}-{probe_locs[i + 1]} - G1 - Measured a shock speed of {p2p_1:.2f} m/s ({p2p_1/1000:.2f} km/s)")
print(f"{probe_locs[i]}-{probe_locs[i + 1]} - G2 - Measured a shock speed of {p2p_2:.2f} m/s ({p2p_2/1000:.2f} km/s)")
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
# Return the data & the successfully loaded data keys
return data, tuple(data.keys())
data, loaded_data = load_data(data_to_load)
print("Loaded Data")
2024-10-15 20:33:26 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
#[TODO] Refactor
def genGraph(gData: dict, showPlot: bool = True):
2024-10-15 20:33:26 +10:00
graphData = {
2024-10-15 21:04:35 +10:00
"title": f"Shock response Time\nFor {gData['info']['long_name']}",
2024-10-16 22:45:30 +10:00
"xLabel": "Time ($\\mu$s)",
2024-10-15 20:33:26 +10:00
"yLabel": "Voltage Reading (V)",
"grid": True,
2024-10-16 22:45:30 +10:00
"plots": []
2024-10-15 20:33:26 +10:00
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
for label in gData["info"]["pcb-refs"] + ["trigbox"]:
2024-10-16 22:45:30 +10:00
"x": gData["time"]["x2"],
"y": gData["data"]["x2"][label],
"label": label
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
if label in gData["info"]["pcb-refs"]:
"type": "axvLine",
"x": gData["shock-point"][label][1],
2024-10-16 23:38:42 +10:00
"label": f"{label} - Shock Point {gData["shock-point"][label][1]:.2f}$\\mu$s",
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
"colour": "gray",
"args":{"zorder":2, "linestyle":"--"}
for label, d in [("1 [V]", "G1"),("2 [V]", "G2"), ("4 [V]", "Gauge Trigger")]:
2024-10-16 22:45:30 +10:00
"x": gData["time"]["scope"],
"y": gData["data"]["scope"][label],
"label": d
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
2024-10-16 23:38:42 +10:00
for i, probe in enumerate(gData["info"]["probe-info"]["locations"]):
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
"type": "axvLine",
2024-10-16 23:56:18 +10:00
"x": gData["shock-point"][f"{probe}-g1"][1],#[i],
"label": f"{probe}-G1 - Shock Point {gData["shock-point"][f"{probe}-g1"][1]:.2f}$\\mu$s",
2024-10-16 23:38:42 +10:00
#"colour": "gray",
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
"args":{"zorder":2, "linestyle":"--"}
"type": "axvLine",
2024-10-16 23:56:18 +10:00
"x": gData["shock-point"][f"{probe}-g2"][1],#[i],
"label": f"{probe}-G2 - Shock Point {gData["shock-point"][f"{probe}-g2"][1]:.2f}$\\mu$s",
2024-10-16 23:38:42 +10:00
#"colour": "gray",
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
"args":{"zorder":2, "linestyle":"--"}
2024-10-16 22:45:30 +10:00
2024-10-16 19:31:51 +10:00
makeGraph(graphData, doProgramBlock=False, showPlot=showPlot, figSavePath="./images/{0}.png")
2024-10-15 20:33:26 +10:00
2024-10-15 21:30:01 +10:00
2024-10-15 18:28:10 +10:00
2024-10-16 23:17:26 +10:00
print("Graphing Data")
2024-10-17 19:30:54 +10:00
for shot in loaded_data:
if shot != loaded_data[-1]: continue
genGraph(data[shot], showPlot=False)
2024-10-16 22:45:30 +10:00
2024-10-16 22:09:24 +10:00
# This forces matplotlib to hang until I tell it to close all windows
2024-10-17 01:45:54 +10:00
2024-10-15 18:28:10 +10:00
2024-10-15 21:30:01 +10:00